About me,

I started my career as an architect in France 17 years ago. Today I design your tailor-made project to provide you with a quality architectural solution that meets your needs.

Get in Touch

[ PROJECTS IN FRANCE] Homes, multi-family, renovations, commercial, furnitures Discover

Être architecte c’est une manière de vivre, de regarder le monde, d’appréhender l’espace et de mettre à contribution sa sensibilité pour participer à sa transformation.

Transformer une idée en réalité en respectant la demande du client  et en tirant le meilleur profit du site.

[My Task ]

The best service for your projects

For you professionals or for individuals, I will take care of designing your architectural project and drawing it.

Whether it is renovation or new, I adapt to meet your request. For official procedures and work, I am in permanent contact with a licensed builder.

  • 01
    Tell me about your needs

    The interior you dream of starts with a concept that takes into account your needs and the way you use space.

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    A controlled budget adapted to each client and each project.

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    Creation of the project

    Depending on the project and location, I will design your tailor-made house for you as well as all the plans for the permit.

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    Work and monitoring

    Thanks to my qualified partners, they will take care of the work for you until you hand over the keys. I will also be there to follow this part.

[ My philosophy ]

Contemporary and responsible architecture

I apply a rigorous and inventive approach with a vocabulary of contemporary, sober and functional architecture while respecting the site and the architectural character of the place.

My field of intervention is essentially on the new home, renovation for residential, professional or commercial. I also create custom furniture.

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Finalised projects
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Years expertise
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[ My realisations ]

Discover my projects

Modification de façades et construction d’une piscine
Rénovation et extension d’une maison existante
[ Témoignages ]

Ils nous ont fait confiance

"You will never fake the feeling of being in such a place. The live minimalism base on the natural materials & alive unprocessed."
Anna Paulina
Client of Company
"You will never fake the feeling of being in such a place. The live minimalism base on the natural materials & alive unprocessed."
Pablo Gusterio
Client of Company
"You will never fake the feeling of being in such a place. The live minimalism base on the natural materials & alive unprocessed."
Kristina Lee
Client of Company
[ Conseils & actus ]

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